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    Leling Derun Health Food Co., Ltd.
    Zip code:253600
    Phone:   0534-6889663
    Fax:     0534-6889661
    Jinan Office Phone:
    Address:Leling City,Shandong Province,NO. 79  Westadvance
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       Current location%uFF1AHOME -
    Derun, an internationally renowned health care product factory
    user:admin AddDate:2016/6/10 10:37:18 hits:1377

    June 6-7, an international well-known health care products companies supply department, quality department, technical department responsible person to Delhi is supplier qualification audit, the company vice president Tang Wendong, Xiaobo Zhao, who accompanied examines the concentrated jujube juice production workshop, R & D building, finished product storehouse, jujube base.
    Guests on the Derun advanced production equipment and strict control of the site to express appreciation, at the same time according to their own requirements on the production of concentrated jujube juice production process is part of the adjustment. After the adjustment is completed, the big test, the end of the large test and can be supplied in bulk.


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    Leling Derun Health Food Co., Ltd.  2013  Copyright phone??0534-6889663  Fax??0534-6889661 Address??Leling City, Shandong Province, No. 79 West advance
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