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    Leling Derun Health Food Co., Ltd.
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    The effect of red dates
    user:admin AddDate:2013/11/29 10:40:09 hits:1266

         China early treatment with red dates, the earliest pharmaceutical classics "Shen Nong's herbal classic", the red dates listed as "top grade", from the doctor Zhang Zhongjing, Yao Wang Sun Simiao, until now the Chinese medicine master, cure all cannot do without red dates. Modern pharmacological studies confirmed, red dates contain rich vitamins and nutrients, known as the "natural vitamin pill", folk has "an eclipse SA date, 100 old and not significant" and "grain and red dates, better than the Ganoderma lucidum grass".

        [Qi Nourishing, beauty anti-aging] this point is the main function of red dates. "Records Compendium of Materia Medica", red dates "nourish the skin, lung, transfer functions of nutrition, body fluid, Yuet color, bu Zhong Yi Qi, nourishing and soothe the nerves". Red dates contains large amounts of carbohydrates, mainly for fructose, also contains dammarane type similar to ginseng, which can improve the human endurance and anti fatigue effect. Red dates are rich in calcium and iron, its curative effect is usually the drug can not be compared. Commonly used in the treatment of aplastic anemia, leukopenia, have a good effect. Red dates to after Tixu disease one has a good tonic effect. Insist on eating jujube, cosmetic effect is better than the use of cosmetics, because the date is supplement qi and blood, regulate the skin from the inside out, and such beauty effect is the best! Rich in vitamin C (red dates in the vitamin C content of fresh jujube pulp is 140 times 70 times, apple pear), can reduce the formation of melanin, prevent pigmentation and senile plaque; vitamin A helps to improve the water barrier properties of the skin, do not let the skin dry; vitamin B regulate the secretion of sebaceous gland. Often edible jujube can make complexion ruddy, full of spirit and energy.

        The spleen and stomach] [red dates can increase gastrointestinal mucus secretion, correct the gastrointestinal lesions, liver protection. The weakness of the spleen and stomach, diarrhea, listless, daily to eat red dates 5-7 teeth, can Buzhongyiqi, spleen and stomach, increase appetite, diarrhea and flatulence effect, now commonly used in the treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis.

         [] red dates sedative hypnotic sedative effect is very good, if the insomnia, eat a few red dates can solve, side effects and not taking western medicine. Huang Tong compounds contained in the red dates (Huang Tong - glucosidase A) has hypnotic and sedative, antihypertensive effect, which was isolated from the pomelo preparation C glucoside has the inhibitory action to the central nervous, soothe the nerves, sedation effect is obvious.

        [] protecting liver, red dates containing three terpenoid components, can inhibit hepatitis B virus activity. Some body protein in patients with chronic liver disease is relatively low, and red dates rich in amino acids, they promote the synthesis of protein in liver, adjust the ratio of albumin and globulin, prevent low protein symptom. At the same time, red dates can enhance the phagocytosis of mononuclear cells in vivo, protect liver, enhance physical action; vitamin C and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP) in the red dates, can reduce the damage of chemical drugs on the liver, and promotes protein synthesis, increase the role of serum total protein content. Red dates in the vitamin can make cholesterol into bile acids, thereby preventing the occurrence of gallstones.

       [anticarcinogenic] red dates containing cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP) has a significant effect on the treatment of various tumors, can effectively prevent the formation of nitrite material in the body, effectively inhibit the formation and proliferation of cancer cells, make cancer cells to normal cell transformation; three terpenoids in red dates can inhibit cancer cell function, especially in the hawthorn acid is most effective, even more than the commonly used anticancer drug 5- fluorouracil. An important factor in rich vitamin C, red dates containing and anti-cancer, can enhance the body's immune function. Long term consumption of red dates, can reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal malignant tumors.


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    Leling Derun Health Food Co., Ltd.  2013  Copyright phone??0534-6889663  Fax??0534-6889661 Address??Leling City, Shandong Province, No. 79 West advance
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