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    Chinese version
    Ejiao jujube series
    Disposable jujube series
    Gift series dates
    Jujube juice concentrate series
    Cake fillings series
    High-end health products
    Jujube juice series
    Leling Derun Health Food Co., Ltd.
    Zip code:253600
    Phone:   0534-6889663
    Fax:     0534-6889661
    Jinan Office Phone:
    Address:Leling City,Shandong Province,NO. 79  Westadvance
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     Disposable jujube series >> Ruo qiang dates
       Product description

    Four advantages??

    Origin advantages: from Ruoqiang  jujube village, the core area of ​​the world fruit eugenics, latitude 37 ??

    Variety advantage: there are 2700 years of cultural history, the unique Chinese jujube tree hanging to dry naturally.

    Environmental Benefits: optimum height above sea level of 800 meters far from the sea, up to 210 days of frost-free period, up to about 28 degrees difference in temperature ruoqiang date created a unique natural environment.

    Advantages: After six steps carefully selected, color, fruity taste, head sare excellent.

    Hits%uFF1A1208  UpdateTime%uFF1A2013/11/29 %u3010print%u3011 %u3010close%u3011
    Leling Derun Health Food Co., Ltd.  2013  Copyright phone??0534-6889663  Fax??0534-6889661 Address??Leling City, Shandong Province, No. 79 West advance
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