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Ejiao jujube series
Disposable jujube series
Gift series dates
Jujube juice concentrate series
Cake fillings series
High-end health products
Jujube juice series
Leling Derun Health Food Co., Ltd.
Zip code:253600
Phone:   0534-6889663
Fax:     0534-6889661
Jinan Office Phone:
Address:Leling City,Shandong Province,NO. 79  Westadvance
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   Current location-HOME - Products
 Gift series dates >> Gelatin Jujube
   Product description

Gelatin candied: Featured Shandong name dates - Yuan red jujube, with high gelatin, malt syrup, sugar refining. Rich in vitamins, amino acids, cyclic adenosine monophosphate, dammar ane saponins, rut in, flavonoids, triterpenoids and other substances necessary for the body, regular consumption, with Qi and blood, cosmetic anti spleen and stomach, sedative sleep aids, lungs cough, lowering blood pressure, etc. It is suitable for all ages superbly supplements.

Hits%uFF1A641  UpdateTime%uFF1A2013/11/29 %u3010print%u3011 %u3010close%u3011
Leling Derun Health Food Co., Ltd.  2013  Copyright phone??0534-6889663  Fax??0534-6889661 Address??Leling City, Shandong Province, No. 79 West advance
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